Celeste Fisk
Stable Manager & Riding Instructor
Celeste was raised in Oregon and never grew out of her love of horses that she had from a young age. While she never had the opportunity to own her own horse, she has gladly worked for several different barns and was able to grow her riding and horsemanship skills. Celeste moved to Michigan in 2019 to work as a summer wrangler at CranHill Ranch in Big Rapids, MI. Her favorite part of being a wrangler was teaching riding lessons. She loved that experience so much that she decided to do their nine month internship program focusing in Horsemanship. There she gained the skills of caring for a large herd of horses and treating the various medical needs that arose through the year. Celeste went on to work at CranHill the next three years with a short stint of instructing at Legacy Stables Fall of 2020 to Spring of 2021.
After finishing CranHill’s second year internship program, Celeste was so excited to step into the roll of Stable Manager at Legacy Stables in the Fall of 2022. Outside of horses Celeste loves to read, play board games, and get coffee with friends.